What are AIRDROP and Bounty? Join me to know more

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Hello friends!

 Today we go together to find out what Airdrop is to join the market in this trillion

Hey! Airdrop in the field of virtual currency means conducting free token virtual token payments into your wallet

user. Airdrop is often used in advertising campaigns, introducing new ICO / tokens

to attract more users. Besides, there will be a TOKEN concept. What is Token? Token is copper

Codecs were issued during the Initial Coin Offering (ICO)

First). Because the concept of ICO can be mistaken for coin release, some projects have been moved to use

The ITO concept (Initial Token Offering) combined with the Token Generation Event (TGE) will give a glimpse

more exactly. Token is based on a coin basis. For example, most tokens are present

is released on the Ethereal platform based on the ERC-20 standard. Some other tokens are based on the background

NEO, WAVES, STELLAR and Bitcoin. When participating in Airdrop and Bounty, usually

We will get the Token to return the ETH wallet. Specifically, we have to use ETH wallet ERC20

like Myetherwallet, Jaxx, Metamask, ... When you receive a token, you just wait for the token to hit the floor or

sell to others for money: p And those who do not need money, they will hold (hug) token

Wait until the token is high enough to sell. The minimum requirements when joining the Airdrop are the

You must have ETH wallet, one or several telegram accounts, twitter, facebook. Some Airdrop, bounty

 You have to have Reddit account, discord, medium, bitcointalk, youtube ... Joining

 Airdrop is not difficult. Because Airdrop Tokens are for the whole world, most languages ​​are used

If you do not know English, you can use google translate http://translate.google.com.

 And you Just follow the requirements of each Airdrop:

 - Join the telegram chat group of the project.

 - Like share, comment fb page.

 Follow Follow Twitter, retweet pin post, tag 5 friends to post.

 - subscribe Youtube channel, like, comment videos.

 - Subscribe to reddit, upvote, comment, share

 - Subsribe Medium, clap our posts (clap for posts)




Now I will guide you to create an ETH wallet on myetherwallet:

b1: visit the link: https://www.myetherwallet.com/

It will show the following interface. Click off the box as shown in the picture.

Continue as shown: fill your password to the box below

Next : download keystore and save it to safe place. then click the step 2 like photo.

NEXT : copy and save the private key to safe place. You need it to access your Eth wallet in the future.

next : click follow step 1 and 2 like photo to access your Eth wallet. Step 2 : paste your privatekey which you saved on above step

Your eth would appear with 40 characters randomly starting with "0x ...".

When finished, you will see your ETH wallet as shown below. When Airdrop requests supply

The ERC20 wallet, you copy the wallet as in the picture.

When you join some Airdrop, you want to check if there are any tokens on the wallet. Then type in link 1 and link 2 as shown below:

Temporarily come here.

JOIN channel Update Airdrop bounty to join the Airdrop is hot. Quick feet number there


If you have any questions please contact Telegram account

Say goodbye!

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